Wrong Direction


Life is a fork path, where every day you encounter two choices, to ways and two directions. Sometimes you decide for yourself other times you let others decide or sometimes you just let it pass. One thing which lingers while choosing the choice is the fear of going wrong, fear committing error or fear of rejection. You and I cannot see the consequences of those choices, no one can. We only ponder on those reasons visible to us or sometimes we become reckless, ignorant or impulsive and we just choose. Sometimes the right direction, other times the wrong direction. Wrong words, wrong habits, wrong relationships, wrong people, wrong times and most of all wrong blames. That is what we do, always, we play the blame game. You and I choose a wrong direction every other day if not every day but does that undo things? No, then what is the point.

Personally, every time I have chosen the wrong direction I have been hurt in the most painful and unexpected ways. And it would be wrong if I deny that the aftermath of all my wrong directions have always been more beautiful than the ones of my right direction. It’s a tendency to fall in the wrong direction. Prioritising wrong tasks, wrong people, wrong occasions. Then the tasks fail me, people break me and occasions drown me. And looking back, somewhere and somehow, I always known. These choices are my story but they don’t define me, not who I am nor who I will be. I have loved wrong people but I never stopped loving, I lost my faith to wrong people but I still have faith, I made mistakes and I still make them. I have my own set of scars, my own set of flaws and I know I come with a big baggage but I won’t force it on people, I have learnt to adore myself with all my errors and mistakes. But this doesn’t stop the dark days, the drenching feeling yet this has ignited a little flame of assurance that keeps burning in my darkest of nights and my gloomiest of days.

Sometimes my wrong direction makes me angry, sometimes sad, sometimes frustrated, sometimes miserable and sometimes happy too. Now I am in a state where words do not matter, actions do; where promises aren’t enough but fulfilment is. Now I am proud of all my wrong directions, I will cherish the wrong people or simply forget them by forgiving them or not. I still wonder how it feels to be loved, I still wonder how dreams in reality look like, I still wonder if miracles are real. I have convinced myself that I am accountable for all my wrongs and my rights. I won’t reproach, I won’t criticise and surely, I won’t regret. Wrong directions, are a part of life, they are lessons and memories. After reading this, you might be wondering what all can go wrong in your life right now? Honestly, everything can. You might be using a wrong pattern, you might be stressing on a wrong topic, you might be trusting the wrong people; you might be holding onto the wrong guarantees, you might be doing it all wrong. Fully and utterly wrong.

Are you afraid? Does it stop you? If not, then dear readers you are half way of making a right choice. We are walking in the smoke but if you have someone to hold onto, then it is a blessing even if you’re unsure about that hand. Let the life play its game. Either it will win or it will let you win. Time will tell. But until then, keeping make the choices and keep choosing the direction that feels right. Every night breaks into dawn, every failure is a new stair to success, every wrong direction is directing you to a new journey. And lastly as they say, yearning is the glimmering star to betterment believe me it is the hopeful heart that is a home to miracles. I believed. What about you?




  1. So truly written šŸ¤§šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ¤šŸ»šŸ’«šŸ‘


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