Lockdown & Adolescents


Lockdown & Adolescents 

Never in the wildest dreams one may have imagined a time where seeing the broad daylight would be a life-threatening situation for us. We humans have a tendency of taking everything for granted as soon as we open eyes to the world. We start craving about things and sooner or later it transforms into greed. But this disease came like a wildfire and destroyed every ounce of human pride. Never would have Einstein thought that something more revolutionary than his theory of relativity will change the humanoid life but here we go again proving the great scientist wrong with the term that has been lingering in our minds since the last spring- LOCKDOWN. Even the storm brings dark clouds to kick off but Corona came fast as light and struck to the deepest cores of civilian society of the entire world.

Every action has a reaction. Now come on, I’m a student who has to relate things with Newton and alpha-beta. Well, on the track again, as I was saying or rather writing, lockdown came with its own pros and cons as every other thing in the universe has. It impacted different lives, in different ways and at different times.  Children found their childhood locked in a four wall-cabin, elders kept worrying about finances and ongoing crisis, the youngster found themselves jobless and we teenagers…well, struggled with everything.  It’s safe to say that the last year turned the lives faster than a marvel movie twist. On a serious note, we all faced challenges to adapt to this new-normal.

Being a teen myself, I realised that we in counting our own illusionary problems forget what really is bugging us off. Now that might be loneliness to some or boredom to the rest. We figured ways to escape the snags rather than really fighting them. Some may say it’s easy to just pen down all the philosophy your brain has to offer than execute it in your real life and I whole heartedly agree to this because that is what we do. We listen, we write, we hear and we think but is this enough …umm let’s say this is only the base of the cake, the frosting comes when we start feeling every inch of what we really want to change.  

If I was having mood-swings, lockdown made it worse. If I was having anxieties, lockdown doubled them. If I was looking for motivation, lockdown made sure that I remain demotivated. If I was trying to fix me, lockdown broke me to my darkest corners. I as everyone else wanted a free life with friends and hangouts but lockdown made it almost impossible. Huff, the issues were piling and my brain was hurting. I was eagerly looking for a getaway but it was all dark. I was done trying dolgona coffee and watching every web show the internet had to recommend. I was tired of all the daily motivations that people kindly forwarded every day in the morning via WhatsApp. I was exhausted and I wanted to flee to Mars.

Darkness was swallowing me from everywhere but hey just hold on this is no platonic romantic Bollywood movie where I was hoping for my shining armour to come to my rescue instead, I rescued myself and bought myself back to life. Bit by bit, I picked up every piece and glued them together with resilience and aspirations. But saying that I was alone in this would be wrong, I found specific love with the people I was stuck with. I tried to amend myself and somewhere the situations amended themselves. The spark was still there it was just waiting for the ignition and the flame was back. I learnt people can say a lot to you, can say a lot about you as if they know you better than you do but in the end of lane you will find only yourself standing alone and brave.

I lost a lot throughout this chapter of my life; I became vulnerable and I changed. But this also stands true that I magnified, I enhanced and I lived. Everyday is not the same nor it ever will be today it may rain but tomorrow it may be sunny. Time is exhausting like data in our phones and we just have to hold on.



Ps. A lot of serious talk today btw next Wednesday hold tight for my grade 10th experience even if I didn’t sit for the real exam. Haha. Stay tuned.




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