My Grade 10th Experience


My Grade 10th Experience

You see dreams, you have passions and you certainly have desires; but with all this comes pressure, expectations and difficulties. For a child born on the land of culture, grade 10th is tended to be made the life and death situation for him. Whatsoever, the oh-so-good educationalists of the country claim that things have changed but the reality stays unchanged on the ground and all those who have gone through this phase will agree to me on this. To be honest, I agree too much burden and anxiety is wrong and should not affect the student as highly as it usually does. Grade 10th, undoubtedly, is a setting stone in high school but in my opinion, it was never nor will be a setting stone for one’s life. Boards, is a chapter of life which every Indian high schooler goes through no matter which physical feature of the country is your birthplace and hence today we talk about or rather (I always ‘talk’ my writings 😂) I write about my class 10th experience.

I always had 2020 as the year where it would be books and me but as my life seems to take twists like the never-ending soap operas, corona happened. And there you go guys, my dreams of being the nerd for year was shattered. First things first, it was hard to adapt to ‘online classes’ and even harder when both teachers and students were struggling to adjust to every kind of technology feature the meeting apps provided. It was confusing, it was weird and more importantly it felt so unreal. Like never in the wildest dreams, I hoped to attend school from bed. But as they say expect the unexpected always, all this became a part of schedule.  Luckily, I received my stationery and study material before the lockdown and so I was not absolutely hanging in the sky.  First few months, it was difficult and surely tedious to put yourself in all – study mode because hey, changes take time to sink in.

Let’s say I am not the one to give up once something sticks in my mind, look at me, I am doing this freaking blogging even when I don’t have time to complete my phone calls with people. Jokes! But genuinely, I really had hopes for this class not because I was told so but because I’m the one who likes to experience every opportunity life has to offer. And so, let’s say after brooding her and about for a month or so, I became solemn to study as it was clear that this might go on for the whole year, which actually stood true. I made timetable, set up desk, collected all fancy pens, designed my notebooks and in short, I did everything that could make me sit on my desk and prove to be fruitful. Indeed, it was not a hundred percent successful attempt but considering the situation I even won’t say that my attempts when all futile. There were projects, homework and tests which on their part pushed to keep working and for that I’ll definitely thank my school.

Well, the year continued with the same hopelessness and I think one lesson that I learnt is technology will never replace a man and to prove the fact the example I can quote is of my maths class, questions were answered and not doubt they were even clear but the vibe was always missing. I was honest with myself when I was awarded a chance to test me because I know I may want to cheat and score maybe two marks more than my actual score but this will take me nowhere and so I was honest and I don’t care how much fake it may sound to you. Let’s say the first half of the session was crazy but things went frozen as the winters approached. I no more took classes on my desk because it was too cold to get out and I started lacking my earlier enthusiasm to perform in the class. Then, I had my exams in December around my birthday which blew my will to study and do well because who will want to give an exam on their birthday but unfortunately my righteousness kicked in and I ended up studying and giving my test.

Then came February where I had offline pre-board exams. This was the time of the year where I was struggling with a lot of things and all of sudden getting to know that you’re returning to your old set-up was more disturbing than I hoped it would be. Nevertheless, having really no option to back out I sat for the exam and let’s say they ended not really up to my expectations, they weren’t bad but…you know what I mean, right? It’s relatable to a great population. This result pushed back to the track which I had laid initially for myself and my energy and will to do more than my capacity increased. I won’t say I was not under pressure, because I was, expectations of a lot of people excluding my parents were on my head, it’s not easy to be a ‘A ‘grade pupil in school and I’m not boasting but trying to portrait the situation I really went through. But the starting of march blew me off as a storm that appeared from nowhere, I lost someone very close to me and I was devastated and still I am, maybe that’s the reason I’m liking to write down my thoughts. Whatever. But I did start again from April, I really bought myself together, it was hard, more than I will ever be able to tell or more than you’ll ever be able to understand.

Finally, the chapter of my life named class 10th never got a closure. I’m not happy with the cancellation but keeping the current situation in mind it was the only option left with us. I realised things may or may not go planned always or specifically in my case they never go as planned, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end or I will just sit back say “I’m so done with my life” because I think that’s not who I am and not people not my problems are ever going to change that. Today, I started my grade 11th and trust me I really had a productive day. So here it goes, this chapter bought a lesson, you may run with no destination in mind but every path will lead you somewhere. And that’s all we need.

See you soon,


Ps. Sunday blog on how I learnt to love myself. Oo it’s gonna be a scoop. Stay tuned.



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