Dealing with Daily Daunts

Every morning, you wake up, you realize there is a whole 24-hour schedule lying ahead for you to go through, but do you feel a sense of burden or do you feel like living? If the latter is your feeling every morning, then you are surely Greek god or something or if that’s not the case then you are someone like a normal- chaotic-21 st century human or in simple language, someone lot like me. Feeling low is as normal as teenage mood swings which are here a moment and gone in the next. Everybody has some or the other daunts that flow in and out of our mind like pizza delivery boys in your apartment building. They sometimes may make you sad, or angry or sometimes they may even scare to you to an extent that you decide to not leave your bed for the day. But are these daunting the real trouble? Are these low emotions the real cause of degraded self-esteem? Are they really mean to scare? Ah! There are a lot of questions but someone wise said every solution begins with you, just have to ...