Dealing with Daily Daunts


Every morning, you wake up, you realize there is a whole 24-hour schedule lying ahead for you to go through, but do you feel a sense of burden or do you feel like living? If the latter is your feeling every morning, then you are surely Greek god or something or if that’s not the case then you are someone like a normal- chaotic-21st century human or in simple language, someone lot like me. Feeling low is as normal as teenage mood swings which are here a moment and gone in the next. Everybody has some or the other daunts that flow in and out of our mind like pizza delivery boys in your apartment building. They sometimes may make you sad, or angry or sometimes they may even scare to you to an extent that you decide to not leave your bed for the day. But are these daunting the real trouble? Are these low emotions the real cause of degraded self-esteem? Are they really mean to scare? Ah! There are a lot of questions but someone wise said every solution begins with you, just have to peak inside. So, that’s what we are here doing today peaking inside to see, how to deal with these daily daunts.

I may not be at best of myself always or I might decide that I want to get lazy for the day and stay in bed, you need to know that this is absolutely normal. Everybody needs a break; everybody deserves a break. Break from everything, everyone and sometimes even from your own self. You don’t have to feel low if  you skip your workout for a day and go on a cheat meal, you don’t have to feel low if you score less then your aimed score in a test, you don’t have to feel low if you are fed-up with the world and you feel like you wish you had a spaceship to Mars. But even after all this you feel less of yourself then let me remind you, you must also tell yourself that this is not who you are, this a mode which is playing and this has to end.  Daunting your habits because someone else thinks it’s for a brooding person is the worst you can do to yourself. Crying your emotions out, isn’t a daunt, no it has never been, it a sign of being strong; you just have to realize it. Sometimes it’s too easy to complain but too hard to try and do again. And when you start doing this your daily daunts start diminishing from there itself.

Just let it go. Yes, you don’t have to be in command always, you don’t need to feel controlled always. You were born free and you are entitled to die in the same state. Curbing your thoughts into your standards or not accepting something because of your high pride, no, these aren’t personality traits, these are those daunts that you can’t see or feel. Everyone who is born with two legs make mistakes and if someone get hurt by you unintentionally, it’s alright, you can always say the five- letter famous word that forever pulls you out of the worst conditions - sorry. Just say it and mean it. And start afresh, saying it and not meaning won’t be doing justice neither to you nor to what you actually are trying to correct. Milk once spilled, is spilled, so if you make a mistake, you have made it, you accept it and move on rather running from its consequence your whole life. Life is a rocky path and every turn won’t be in your favour, the sooner you admit it, the better it gets.

Today I may be afraid, tomorrow I may not be. I am full permitted to fail, fall down and get up again. These petty disagreements, these small failures, these aren’t meant to describe you; so, don’t let them. If you say something, stop regretting it, you may not mean it and you may realize that later, but that’s fine. Regrets cause disasters and hence are meant to be none. Dismays, are original (no, not Klaus Mikaelson😂- only for tvd lovers), are inevitable. So, face them, embrace them and it may be not the best thing you want to do in your life but trust me, this is the best thing you need to do in life. So next morning, when you wake and see your reflection in the mirror, begin your day by telling yourself that I’m good as who I am and I won’t be changing anytime soon. You just have to fight because a warrior even after failing never fails. So be one and live your life as there is no better life than the life you live.

Good vibes,

Priyal 😇

Ps. See you next Wednesday with-  generation gap: A unshakable truth.


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