Generation Gap: An unshakable truth


The human came into being some billion years ago since then have been evolving, changing and developing. It was not only the change from caves, to palaces, to modern penthouses not the change from leaves, to silk and to acrylic; it was a change of belief, of faiths and of what’s right and what’s wrong. History, remains history because it is only in textbooks and manuscripts but the impact it lays on us remains overwhelming even to the upcoming future that nobody has ever witnessed. Opinions are different, opinions are contradicting but opinions are vital. What might be true for me, may be a myth for you and that makes this world truly dynamic. Everyday a theory is built, everyday a theory is rejected and everyday a theory becomes a fact. The world is embryonic, advancing every moment and that’s how we are taught to live because storms come and go what matters is how far they could impact you. Generation gap is not new, nor a dictionary can ever define its true meaning, it speckled, diverse in all aspects. And that makes it a subject to be actually pondered upon.

Parents call it “talking back” and we call it “explaining” but is that the only problem- lack of communication? According to me it is much more than just lack of communication, it a lack of interception, lack of accepting and lack of considering. We look at one side of the image and never bother to see the back story. We all make mistakes and we all try our best to hide them not only from the world but from ourselves as well. If we contradict on topics like late night parties, to the money we spend every weekend on our drivel activities, we also agree on topics like family first and your need before mine. Is it only because how differently me and my mom google things or it is just the difference of how she will always prefer a panipuri over a pan pizza? Every time you hear about those “golden days” you look for a reason to disappear in the thin air and every time you appreciate Ariana Grande’s songs they want to vanquish as fast as light. But there are also times when you sit back to let them narrate their first proposal or you teach them “YOLO’S” and “LMAO’S” and they learn them like a mathematical formula. It’s funny to see how we laugh and cry over the same topic in different situations, now who to blame?

Legacy becomes legacy when the upcoming ones continue the same path even in different form, a legacy never becomes great with one generation it processes and rewinds with every generation. And that is the true beauty of this gap. We play arcade with life every time we cross paths with each other and yet all we know is at the end we might lose all pennies but the love and affection with always remain, intact and worth losing everything. All generations have similar values just different ways to express them. Living life for us is late night drives, shouting on top of our lungs and living life for them is having contentment every time, they sit on the dinning table. We live differently, we may be different, our views may clash like wind against leaves but yet again we can never cut of ourselves from our nourishing roots even if we want because ultimately, we die. Let’s rewrite the stars, draw new lines on our palms and let’s cherish every bit of each other because finally there is always one thing that remains unshakable, the family- the unshakable truth. Destiny is theirs; destiny is ours yet the destiny is forever ‘together’.

Lot of love,


Ps. This was a topic I found hard to write about because I never experience it much in my life yet I poured my soul into every single word I wrote. Next time we meet on “I’m a female and I'm not weak”. Sayonara!


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