The Power of Imagination


Imagination is the biggest tool that makes this planet a world, that makes a homo-sapien a man and something that makes an idea a reality. We explore our limits, our fears and our expectations in our imagination. Imagination is nothing but the art of letting your subconscious take control and paint the canvas of life into colours of dreams, passions, desires and ‘yourself’. What you can’t perceive, your imagination does. What you are afraid of, your imagination is fearless to embrace. What is impossible to you, it’s something that was always possible to your imagination. A word that defines a million of definitions; imagination, opens the doors of innovation and let the power of creations take control and create wonders that humans don’t believe exist. We create, we transform, we conceive, we start and we finally revolutionize; on the pillars of imagination. A word so similar, yet so different. A word that upturns the power of generation and brings out the true marvels.

A wheel would remain a wood log, a car would have remained junk of metal, a computer would have remained a calculator, a pizza would have remained a loaf, Einstein would have remained a human and earth would have remained a mass of land & jungles; without imagination. Why? Simple, the beauty of a polaroid comes because of memory, so similarly, an invention causes a change because of imagination that popped a reason of its existence. Ingenuity, never dies nor does the vision. The dominance of inspiration fuels all engines of modifications that magnifies the dream of vivified future. Every time you wake up in the morning, novel sunshine bath on your face, you fantasize every minute detail of life, dancing on the symphony of positivity even if your last night was a hangover, you breathe the freshness and you imagine a better day than yesterday. We escalate every moment, we change on repeat, we evolve every day and what aspires us is nothing but your uninhibited imagination. And even if you believe you weren’t born imaginative, then dear reader, you are highly mistaken because we create every second because imagination is the bird that flies freely in your cage and no one else’s.

Thoughts, views, imaginings and inventiveness are the mother of the beauty of existence. A biology student sees a tree as a green living organism, a mathematics student will perceive the same tree as an object that stands on a certain height maybe bending at certain angle and an arts student will observe that green life as a creation of nature. You see we are masses of flesh and blood that floats through space for a definite period of time, what makes this definite period of time life is nothing but our own resourcefulness that makes us rewrite the stars. A perfect personality, for some maybe an hourglass figure, for some the aura of influence and for some it’s simply being unstoppable. No, mind garden doesn’t have to blossom roses all the time, let the scenery be lightened with all kinds of flowers that the nature has to offer including the dried ones so they fall off to help new ones grow better. You pull the horses of your imagination and so it’s only up to you that you let the horse led the way or you hold its reins.

The exquisiteness of your mortal life is a mixture of ingredients, your responsibilities, your ambitions. Your fears and your imagination. You fight a lot of battles in your life, but you wear different armours, sometimes of emotions, sometime of duty and sometimes of your imagination. Shine like a diamond or darken like carbon, lit-up like a galaxy or get dim like outer space, be like a flower or be the stem, you see the coin has two sides but a coin remains a coin, it’s your choice you choose the heads or you go for the tail. Let the brush of karma rule the whiteness of life and paints of imagination be the story of who you are meant to be.


Priyal πŸ’

Ps. Did I really write that! I’m mean I’m pretty shocked myself. Well next time see you with – Trust.


  1. This is fantastic πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  2. Seriously priyal???😍😍Watta masterpiece! Imagination is one of my favourite topic and of my most fav things to do!! A great one man! Kudos!πŸ”₯


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