Things to try if you are getting “bored”

Everybody is getting bored since the last year and it’s nothing that you and me aren’t familiar with because every day you wake and look into the mirror your facial expression screams – MONOTONY. Monotony or boredom, a state when you feel the world around you spinning into circles of various diameters and you stare into blank ceiling hoping for stars to shine on the concrete. Another direct explanation can be when you roam in your own house like traveller glancing each wall as if it contains the history of roman civilization. And if you are going through these phases when you feel like a mosquito flying here and there or a book bought just to adorn the shelves and never read then my dear friend, you have reached the epitome of boredom and require major assistance to spice up things bit in your black and white life. Now spicing up not means that you should go looking for rumours floating on social media about Bella Hadid’s Cannes outfit or switching jam sand  to Nutella in the breakfast. This is distraction not solution and readers beware: Solutions and distractions are like salt and sugar in other words can be misleading.

Internet offers tons of activities to do if you feel the monotony in your life slowly consuming you like smoke of a burnt lasagne. But the real matter of importance is how far can you push yourself to inculcate these doings in your to-do list for every day. There is nothing that can be done when one barricades the zeal to do it. So, boredom can be a major reason for severe consequences that you may face in the forthcoming future. If you feel like waking up at six in the morning and sleeping at ten in the night, eating healthy and not cussing can make you any better than please wake up it’s a delusion of value education books and a bit of “optimistic influencers”. And this is no solution to remove tedium from your life because this will bring nothing but pressure to be perfect in all things at every hour of the day, which is nothing but pulling yourself into the dark pit of expectations and depressions. So why make days darker than already are?  So, my advice to you is quit trying becoming “that girl” trend of internet and turn to real life where you set standards and you define the boundaries for yourself.                                                  

From painting madhubani to experimenting with your wardrobe or from being stuck to vampire diaries to learn baking cake without oven (as if that is ever going to happen). You can try anything, do anything or just be anything. The world comes with billions of options, on Monday you can finish your pending assignments, on Tuesday you can plan for your next vacation, on Wednesday you can attend yoga classes, on Thursday you can do a reading marathon, on Friday you can hit your favourite shopping store, on Saturday you can hang out with your friends and on Sunday you can binge Netflix and do absolutely nothing. Now tell me I could just count these in a matter of a few minutes so how hard it can be for you to make your own list and achieve it in the upcoming days. It’s not about how much shows you watch in a week or how many chapters you read about vertebrates, it’s about how far you can colour your monochrome life with your anger, celebration, frustration, tiredness and joy. After all, boredom isn’t an emotion it is a state and hence is never constant.

Boredom is the birthplace of genius, they say. Now it’s for you to decide that whether you race on the track of geniuses or you turn the boredom into your reality. Explore the limits and ace them. Boredom isn’t the end of the world neither is the end for you, so let the creativity be born and let it open it’s wings in your cage ad fly high. Because, my precious readers just remember being bored is boring. So, live the life the way it is mean to be.


Priyal ☆

Ps. A laid down piece for you all because I’m quite stuck with sheets and scissors for the week. Anyways, next Wednesday I’ll see you with – fear. 


  1. Yeah!! The blog took my boredom away for 6️⃣ straight minutes, so thanks .
    Also highly appreciated!!


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