Why it is always me?


Everybody, literally each one of us has fished a fistful of hair in our hair and screeched into the nowhere,” why it is always me?”. Right? Oh yes, I know I am absolutely right. You cannot really blame the sentence to be so inevitable, but yes you and me have an absolute authority to blame the circumstances. And that we do all the time. Why me? Am I so bad? What I done so bad? And so on. Of course, different languages, different sentences or some might beautify them with words I won’t write here. But we all do this, some quite often because they are like magnet to the everlasting chaos or some rarely because they are the…goody two shoes? Holy? Righteous? whatever. Anyways the point here is that we all complain, curse and whine about our conditions. Now the causes can different, people do it out of sufferings, others out of anger, out of humiliation, out of lameness and out of… oh yes exaggeration.

When you wake up in a mood to do no- mess for the day and spill coffee over your crisp new white shirt because you see the clock’s needles ticking fast than your footsteps, what do you do? Of course, your eye will shut in horror, then slowly you’ll flutter one of your eyes open to take the peek of mess you committed and then after seeing the glimpse of the disaster you swiftly shut them again, but then you realise the dread of reality and feel the burn on your skin, the stickiness of the carefully measured sugar you had put in the coffee after computing your calorie requirement and then… thud the cup falls fully out of your hands and your mouth automatically forms into a furious expression and you mindlessly start spilling out words that dictionary forbids and when all this is done you frown and look up in the sky as if you have a imaginary telephone hanging in the air to connect to God for you to shout” why me?”. And damn now this is the reality of each one of our lives and not what yoga/ spiritual teachers will teach you about afterlives and immortality.

Let me tell you the good thing about this you don’t have do everything perfectly, rather you don’t have do anything perfectly. If you spilled some coffee today doesn’t mean you’ll not try making it tomorrow instead you will be extra careful with your actions. So, what if you fail in something big out of your silliness, there is no failure bigger then failing yourself and that happens when you stop giving yourself chances, when you start feeling irredeemable, when you give up. Complain as much as you can, but just don’t hold regrets. Yell at top of your lungs but just don’t quit. Wail, cry, weep, do whatsoever you feel will provide you comfort but just remember after all these blinding lights there is soothing darkness that awaits you.



Ps. I know I’m late, very late in fact. But just things have been crazy around here. I have been super fixed with my unending to-do list. It’s been almost wild to see the pace at which the life is running, everything seems clockwise and stuck where it is. I know most of us are going through this speckled mess. Well, let’s hope to see you on Wednesday with “Second Chances” and till then sending you lots of positivity and happiness💥.







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