HATE COMMENTS...Are they worth attention?

A human, yes you and me, what are we made of? No, I’m not talking about the number of bones or the types of cells or what kind of function mitochondria does. I’m speaking about the deeper part, something science don’t reach but our thoughts do. What could be such a thing that can beat the complexity of a cell structure? Wild guess… Emotions. Something that you won’t understand, something that can’t be explained in textbooks and something that will make you question everything even your own existence at some point of time. We all stand at the same shore but the waves of feelings and emotions hit us differently. Some maybe hardcore while other may be subtle. But everyone’s feet are washed by millions of unidentified sentiments, once or more. We feel the roller coaster crashing at some days because we can’t choose between what to feel and what to neglect and not-so-surprisingly some days bless us with rays of contentment and aliveness. Emotions, strange…very strange. Agreed Dr Watson? Y...